The Monday Show Podcast 04-20-09

Monday, April 20, 2009

Outside Lands, Why I Don't Eat Domino's and Other Funny Stuff.

Ahhh it's Spring time In San Francisco. That can only mean awesome weather, longer days spent at the beach and/or park depending on your personal preference and of course, summer festival announcements!!

One of my new favorites is Outside Lands in the park. If you consider yourself a live music enthusiast, you need to be here in August. That said, tickets aren't cheap so I am starting a charitable fund to get me there. If you would like to make a contribution to the "Charitable Fund To Get Jesse into Outside Lands," please leave any contact information and I'll be in touch.


In other news, Here is a great example of why you should NEVER eat Domino's Pizza and no, I don't care how $#@!-ed up and hungry you are.

Domino's has since put this statement out on YouTube.

So what is the moral of the story? Don't eat Domino's and more importantly, don't mess with the hard working indentured servants of the food industry.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

NyQuil and Those Damn Dirty Apes.

This little short was actually the result of having a few too many NyQuil tablets and crashing on my bed for a while. For those of you who have never experienced a drug induced slumber, then you should know that the images that manifest are not exactly your Mr. Rogers type of material.

So yes, I had a dream in which my Barrack Obama action figure talked to me. What, you haven't?


In a completely unrelated matter, I've decided that teachers should no longer be taking all of the blame for our failing educational system. The reality is that high school councilors are the ones who should be getting the harsher criticism.

Now I'm sorry if you are a councilor, if you want to be a councilor when you grow up,or if you're sleeping with a councilor but I've been reviewing scholarship applications for high school graduates and these kids are stuck with advising that is comparable to a monkey with a typewriter.

Moral of the story: Don't take advice from a 35 year old who still goes to a high school every day.